Are you tired of waxing facial fuzz just to try and keep up with all that hair that never seems to slow down?
Do you fret about keeping your beautiful face hair-free and smooth, so you can glide on your foundation and enjoy a smoother complexion?
IPL may be the answer for you.
What Exactly Is IPL Treatment?
Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is a method of hair removal aimed at achieving long-term hair reduction. The technology emits a broad beam of light over an area of hair. Since there are different filters to optimize the light for different applications, we can perform a variety of treatments safely and comfortably on most types of skin.
During your treatment, the light is absorbed by the pigment in your hair and the transferred heat works to destroy each hair follicle – making sure you’re hair-free and smooth.
The Benefits of IPL Hair Removal
IPL provides many benefits, but the main ones are:
You don’t have to wait for your hair to grow
When you wax, you have to wait for your hair to grow back to a certain length before you can book your next treatment. You don’t need surface hair for an IPL session. In fact, we encourage you to shave before your session to prevent the technology scorching surface hair.
The benefit here is that you can remain fuzz-free while you wait for the hair removal treatment to work.
IPL is a time-saver
We know you lead a busy, demanding life which means it’s often hard to fit in a session of waxing or shaving. IPL is quick and easy and provides long-lasting results. You can easily fit a treatment into your lunch break and you don’t need any recovery time after a session.
Less ingrown hair to worry about
When you wax or shave, skin can often trap hair, resulting in painful ingrown hairs and even infection. With advanced technology like IPL, the entire hair follicle is destroyed, eliminating the risk of painful, stubborn ingrown hairs.
It’s affordable
By permanently reducing hair growth, you don’t have to worry about costly waxing treatments or endless supplies of facial hair remover gadgets. The results of IPL hair removal are far superior to others in terms of cost, time, and long-lasting results.
Ditch the waxing sessions and start IPL treatment for your facial hair today.
Schedule a consultation online or call us at 215-503-FACE.
Image: Freepik