Your eyes are the first part of your face people notice when you meet them. Judgments about you are made within seconds, and the way your eyes look can have a large effect on people’s first impression. If your eyes constantly look tired because they droop or are puffy, then you might not look very approachable. On the other hand, if your eyes look more open, your face looks friendlier, more youthful and that important first impression you make on others will be much more positive.

For those who have tired eyes that are puffy, sagging and look droopy, there is good news. A cosmetic procedure called a blepharoplasty can lift the veil on your eyes, making you look like a new person. And the results might not just be cosmetic. Some people’s puffy eyes actually impede their vision, making everyday activities like driving much more dangerous.

What Does Blepharoplasty Do?

Also known as eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty is a procedure that removes excess fat around the eyes that cause puffiness and sagging. Both the lower and upper eyelids can be treated with blepharoplasty surgery. The surgeon can also lift overly droopy eyelids, which will improve the patient’s vision, giving them a better view of the world.

Am I A Good Candidate For Blepharoplasty?

Only our doctors can determine if you qualify for this procedure. During your initial consultation, the doctor will go over your health history, discuss your motivation for wanting the surgery and examine your eyes. It’s important to be 100% honest when giving your health history.

The doctor needs to know about any health conditions you have, previous surgeries and any medications you’re taking. This will help the doctor make his decision about if you’re qualified for a blepharoplasty and to ensure your safety and well-being.

If our plastic surgeon determines that you are a good candidate, then you’ll discuss the surgery itself and the type of anesthesia you feel comfortable with.

How Is Blepharoplasty Performed?

During the procedure, the surgeon will make incisions in the upper lids in places where natural creases to prevent any visible scarring. For the lower lids, the surgeon will make the incision just below the eyelash line. The surgeon will then remove any excess fat and tighten up the eyelids as needed.

Call For Your Initial Consultation Today

Because of the delicate tissues that surround the eyes, blepharoplasty is a highly specialized surgery that requires a skilled surgeon to perform correctly. The plastic surgeons at Jefferson Facial Plastics in Philadelphia are double-board certified and are considered among the best in the business.

If you believe you’re a good candidate for eyelid surgery, call Jefferson Facial Plastics in Philadelphia today.

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