So you’ve just had the procedure of your dreams and can’t wait to see how it looks once the bandages are peeled away and the swelling begins to go down, or maybe you haven’t had it yet and are looking ahead to surgery day just wanting to plan for the next step, so what now? You may want to know how you’re supposed to function post-operation to ensure that your recovery goes smoothly and that your new look can be maintained?

Well, rest assured knowing that our surgeons will certainly tell you everything you’ll need to know to about treating yourself during that crucial recovery time, but if you have not yet had that conversation and are just curious to know how the days and weeks following your procedure should be arranged, here are a few tips to ensure that you’re making the right decisions.

Keep Track of Your Diet

Your body is a temple; you’ve been told that at point or another, and it should be treated as such. The body is also vulnerable when it has endured a considerable amount of stress, and a cosmetic procedure – like any medical procedure – is capable of leaving it in a state of weakness. To counteract that weakness, you should be enriching your body with the food you eat and the fluids you drink. High-quality proteins that are rich in calories are recommended because they help the body to build new tissue and blood vessels. Foods like fish, poultry, and nuts & legumes all work.

Of course, if you’re recovering from a face lift then you should stick to food that doesn’t require excessive chewing and doesn’t strain your muscles. Stock up on good soup and yogurt if this is the case for you. Drinking water (as always) is a significant benefit as well, especially before the procedure as it helps to cleanse and hydrate the body.

Be Cautious of What You Put in Your Body in General

Apart from habits relating to nutrition it’s similarly important to discipline yourself when it comes to other recreational activities. It’s best to abstain from alcohol for a few days pre- and post-op because it suppresses the immune system.

You should also keep away from tobacco for at least a few weeks before and after the big day. Smoking inhibits the body’s healing process because it stifles the amount of oxygen that is able to reach your cells and it may increase the risk of complications during your surgery.

Take it Easy but Not Too Easy

No two bodies are alike so when it comes to resting up after the procedure you have some discretion as to what you feel capable of doing, but do not try to bite off more than you can chew.

Moving around can be good for the body and the mind but it may be awhile longer before you can get back to power lifting at the gym or walking around in heels for a few hours. You and your surgeon should be able to decide on a timeline for your full recovery. This will obviously differ from procedure to procedure because some will require more time to heal than others.

We’re Happy to Answer Any Further Questions

These are only a few pieces of advice to be considered when it comes to your post-op recovery and there are certainly more that can be explained in greater detail. At Jefferson Facial Plastics our surgeons are always happy to speak with you about any questions you may have on the topic or with anything else related to cosmetic surgery. To schedule a consultation, give us a call at 215-503-FACE. We hope to see you soon!

