For many people, losing their hair can be traumatic. It might signal aging, illness, injury or just plain old bad genes. Regardless of the reason, hair loss changes the fundamental way we look, and usually not in a good way. To combat hair loss, people have turned to creams, lotions, ointments and other methods to get their full head of hair back – with varying degrees of success.

But now technology has improved to the point where you can regain your full head of hair, guaranteed. And while hair transplant surgery has been around for a while, the methods and techniques used have made big strides over the last decade.

How does a hair transplant work?

A hair transplant is what it sounds like: hair is taken from one part of the head and transplanted to another. In reality, it’s a little more complicated. But the point is that it’s your own hair being used, so you won’t have to worry about looking like you’re wearing a toupee.

But if they’re taking hair from one area to place in another area, won’t I still have a bald spot, just on a different part of my head?

Good question. The answer is no. The hair is generally taken from the back of the head because those hair follicles are resistant to hair loss. This is why many elderly balding men still have a thick area of hair on the back of their head.

Once the transplant is complete and the scalp heals, you’ll have a full head of hair. Best of all, it will be your hair that you can style and care for as you please.

What will my hair transplant procedure be like?

Before the doctor moves even a single hair, you’ll meet for an initial consultation. This is when you’ll discuss your goals and expectations. The doctor will also take a medical history to ensure you’re a good candidate for a hair transplant. It’s possible that certain pre-existing conditions may disqualify you.

The procedure itself will greatly depend on what you and the doctor agree is the best for you. The doctor can use micro grafts, which move only one or two hairs at a time, or they can do punch grafts, which move about 10-15 hairs. In some cases, slit grafts are used. This is where a thin strip of about 30-40 hairs is placed in small incisions in the scalp.

The number of grafts used is determined by how much hair you want to replace. Generally, hair transplants will require more than one session, with a three-month recovery period between sessions.

What about recovery?

The recovery is very easy. The doctor will give you instructions about when to remove the bandages. If stitches were used, you’ll return to the office about a week later to have them taken out. Most pain accompanied by a hair transplant procedure is mild and your doctor can prescribe pain medication to relieve your discomfort.

If you’re concerned about balding and think you’d be a good candidate for a hair transplant, call us today. You can regain a full head of hair and all the confidence that comes with it
