Facial Filler

Plump lips, smooth skin, and full cheeks. Some people have these things naturally, while others need a little help with fillers. The injectable treatments are long-lasting, easy to get, and, importantly, they are designed for subtlety.

Different Types of Fillers Offer Different Effects

The most popular fillers are made of hyaluronic acid. Different types of fillers have different characteristics, which means they offer different effects.

Some fillers are designed to increase volume in areas like the cheeks and mid-face region. Others are better at plumping lips and smoothing out fine lines or disguising dark furrows under the eyes.

There are those products that contain poly-L-lactic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and collagen.

If you’re wondering just how extreme your filler results will be, it all depends on the treatment and the area being treated. It’s common for there to be a little bruising and swelling for a couple of days after your treatment, but you can expect to see a difference in shape and volume immediately. As the swelling settles and the filler starts to sit more naturally, you’ll notice an improvement in your appearance – and it can be as subtle or extreme as you like.

Less Is More, Though

As with any type of medical facial treatment, less is more. This is especially true of fillers. Less product results in a more natural and subtle effect. In fact, done properly, the filler will be almost invisible to anyone else.

While those in the public spotlight may show off duck lips and a trout pout, when expertly administered, filler looks natural. The changes are so subtle that nobody should notice. Rather, they might notice you look refreshed and a little more youthful – like you’ve just come back from a much-needed vacation!

Unless you’re going for a trout pout, the difference after using fillers is natural and barely noticeable.

Schedule a consultation online or call us at 215-503-FACE.


Image: Freepik

Healthy Skin Tips Medical Spa