As we age, the skin around our eyes tends to sag and droop, causing lines and wrinkles to form. A brow lift can help rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes and forehead, restoring a youthful look and reversing the effects of aging.

At Jefferson Facial Plastics, our board-certified plastic surgeons offer highly effective brow lift treatments designed to reduce wrinkles, improve frown lines and place your eyebrows in a youthful position. Our goal is to give your brow a smoother and tighter appearance that can take decades off your face.

What is a brow lift?

A brow lift or forehead lift is a plastic surgery procedure that reduces the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin while correcting droopy eyebrows associated with aging and weight changes. During your treatment, Dr. Heffelfinger and his team will remove excess skin from around your eyes and tighten the underlying muscles to support facial tissues.

Ideal candidates for a brow lift

You may be a good candidate for a brow lift treatment if:

  • You are physically healthy
  • You have prominent sagging brows with deeper wrinkles
  • Have a positive outlook and realistic results
  • You are a nonsmoker

4 types of people that should consider a brow lift

A brow lift is ideal for anyone looking to achieve the following results:

Reverse the tired and droopy appearance

As you grow older, your eyelids and the surrounding area tend to droop, resulting in a tired, angry appearance that impacts your overall appearance. A brow lift treatment can smooth out wrinkles and tighten your facial muscles. The procedure effectively reverses the signs of sagging around your eyes so you appear more refreshed and youthful.

Restore natural proportions

The shape and size of our faces tend to change with age. Facial muscles tend to relax with time, which may lead to asymmetrical and sagging eyebrows that make your eyes droopier than they actually are. A brow lift is an effective treatment for anyone who wants to enhance facial proportions by reversing any asymmetry between both sides of your face.

Boost self-confidence

Wrinkles and sagging around the eye sockets and forehead can hurt how you view yourself. If you are less confident and unhappy with your facial features, a brow lift can help you feel better. Dr. Heffelfinger leverages top-notch techniques to make subtle changes that enhance your appearance and boost self-confidence without changing who you are.

Open up the eyes

As skin loosens and facial muscles start to sag, your eyelids may become heavier than they used to be. This ultimately makes your eyes appear droopier than when you were young. A brow lift treatment helps tighten your eye area, making it more rested, alert, and rejuvenated.

Book a Brow Lift Consultation at Jefferson Facial Plastics

Regain your youthful appearance and boost your self-esteem with a brow lift at Jefferson Facial Plastics. The surgery removes saggy skin and elevates the brows for a refreshed look. Contact us today to start your journey toward a rejuvenated you. Schedule a free consultation with our board-certified physicians or call us at 215-503-FACE to discuss your options and goals.

Cosmetic Surgery