With age comes the unavoidable: the natural signs of aging. Have you been wondering if you’re ready to get injectable fillers to achieve a more youthful, radiant look? As long as you’re an adult, there’s no inappropriate age at which to get injectable fillers. But what’s the best time to start?

Commonly, people assume that the most appropriate age to get fillers is later in life. Believe it or not, however, many of our clients begin receiving injectable fillers in their 20’s and early 30’s. Historically, it was uncommon for people as young as 20 to request injectable fillers. Today, however, people are realizing the benefits of starting early to maintain that youthful glow.

It isn’t uncommon for people to begin noticing signs of aging early on in life, the most common appearing as dark under-eye bags. Other marks of aging such as volume loss, wrinkles, folds, and creases can develop as early as your twenties due to factors such as, excessive sun exposure, genetics, smoking, or poor nutrition.

Fillers help to erase this damage. In fact, the sooner you start using fillers to battle signs of aging, the better your results will be in the long run.

Fillers are not just reparative – they can also be used as preventative measure in fending off visible signs of aging. This works because injectable fillers relax the overlaying skin which, in turn, prevents the initial development wrinkles and fine lines. This relaxation is especially pivotal for those with particularly expressive faces or those who, because of genetics, may suffer from wrinkles and other signs of aging early on. Additionally, receiving consistent treatments means that you may need less filler over time. This makes it more likely that you can achieve optimal results with less filler or less treatments!!

Overall, the best age to start getting injectable filters is when you want them. If you’re interested in learning more about injectable filters and whether you’re a good candidate, schedule a consultation online or call us at 215-503-FACE.
