Red-haired woman with beautiful skinWhen it comes to choosing the right skincare products, the sheer number of options out there is daunting. Not to mention that new products and trends come out all the time.

You probably don’t have the energy or the time to go through product after product to find what you like. And you don’t want to spend a small fortune testing different ones out, either.

But there’s one thing we can tell you – the best medical grade skincare products are the ones with the right strength, in the purest form that consists of the best ingredients. They’re also the products back by research.

Not sure how to pick the right medical-grade products for your skin? Here are a few pointers to keep in mind.

The Ingredients

Medical grade products must have 99% pure ingredients. The top products fulfill this promise, without adding a whole lot of fillers.

In fact, the best products have higher concentrations of each ingredient, to ensure the product delivers on its promises.

If your goal, for example, is to lighten your skin, you need a medical-grade product that contains hydroquinone, an active ingredient that works to “depigment” your skin. While over the counter products are capped at concentrations of 2% of hydroquinone, medical-grade products contain concentrations of up to 5%, rendering the products far more effective than over the counter skin care products.

Higher concentrations mean the products can penetrate deep into the skin to make impactful changes, ensuring you use less of the product and save money.

Safety Measures

Medical grade products have undergone clinical research studies to back up their benefits. They’re typically regulated by the FDA, too.

The Right Medical Grade Products for Your Skin

When it comes to skincare, there’s no cookie-cutter approach. The best products for you are the ones that work for your skin, your budget, and your desired results. A trained and experienced medical professional can help you choose the best medical grade skin care products for your needs.

Schedule a consultation online or call us at 215-503-FACE.



Image: Pexels

Healthy Skin Tips Medical Spa