Woman with youthful appearance after ThermiTight treatment


Thanks to safe and effective treatments like ThermiTight, you don’t have to live with sagging, drooping skin.

Since the procedure focuses on the layers beneath your skin’s surface, it provides lasting results along with tighter and more youthful skin, especially around your neck and face. ThermiTight is a noninvasive treatment that works on all complexions.

How Long Does a ThermiTight Session Take?

Just one session of ThermiTight takes a little less than an hour. What’s more, that’s enough time to notice visible tightening. Maximum improvement usually takes around 3 to 4 months.

Which Areas Work Best with ThermiTight?

Are you tired of that double chin that appears every time you bend your head? ThermiTight may be for you. As we age, it’s common to develop excess fat along the jawline and under our chin and for some people, exercise and diet just don’t help. ThermiTight, though, can re-sculpt the area, tightening and lifting your skin to give your face a trimmer and more defined appearance.

Sometimes, a double chin also causes loose skin that droops on the neck, creating unflattering contours. With ThermiTight, we can tighten that loose neck skin, lessening the appearance of wrinkles and lines and creating a slimmer profile. That means you can say goodbye to hiding your neck behind scarves and high collars!

Another consequence of aging is sagging jowls. ThermiTight provides a superb non-surgical solution to tightening up sagging skin with minimal downtime and no invasive procedures.

The Benefits

ThermiTight provides a myriad of benefits, including:

  • There is almost no downtime
  • You can achieve tighter skin and a more youthful appearance in just one session
  • Since ThermiTight focuses energy on the deeper layers of your skin, you can look forward to lasting results
  • ThermiTight works for all complexions and provides successful results for the face and neck

Overall, ThermiTight is quick, easy and non-invasive. If you want to tighten up the skin around your face and neck, this is the procedure for you! Talk to the team at Jefferson Facial Plastics to find out more about the benefits of ThermiTight.

Schedule a consultation online or call us at 215-503-FACE.


Image: Freepik
