Both chemical peels and microdermabrasion are cosmetic procedures designed to exfoliate your skin. The benefits are numerous. From erasing fine lines to tightening the skin, and minimizing acne scars, the results speak for themselves.

While both treatments offer similar results, though, they don’t exfoliate the same. A chemical peel involves an acid solution that peels away layers of your skin. But microdermabrasion is a physical exfoliant that scratches away just the top layer of skin.

More About Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion treatments are done by a certified professional. The main focus is to exfoliate the top layer of dead skin cells.

This is done by applying a special wand to the top of your skin. During the procedure, you’ll feel a slight pressure as the wand sucks up dirt and debris from your pores.

There are two types of microdermabrasion. The one is a crystal type that uses aluminum oxide crystals, while the other uses a diamond tip and sand to scrape the surface of the skin.

Microdermabrasion is often preferred over chemical peels for its ability to fight off acne, improve the texture of the skin, and leave you with a healthy and glowing complexion.

Why This Is the Treatment for You

Since microdermabrasion focuses on the uppermost layer of the skin, it’s a great deal less invasive. The treatment provides a more youthful appearance, improving dull skin, melasma, dark spots, age spots, and uneven skin tone and texture. What’s more, the process is ideal for enhancing the results of your skincare products.

What to Expect from Your Treatment

After just one microdermabrasion session, your skin will feel soft and smooth. The rejuvenating treatment offers instant results, so you’ll leave glowing and fresh.

While a chemical peel leaves skin looking raw, microdermabrasion has no downtime. It’s been called the workhorse of rejuvenation procedures, and while it’s primarily sought after for the face, it’s also great on other parts of the body. You can even book your session on the same day as other rejuvenation treatments for the best results.

Best of all, there is little to no damage to the skin during your treatment, with skin barriers fully recovering in just a day or two after your session.

Schedule a consultation online or call us at 215-503-FACE.


Image: Freepik

Healthy Skin Tips Medical Spa